Do you know how fundamental analysis works? Those who are thinking of investing in the stock market should know fundamental analysis. It is an effective method that investors use to determine the true value of a stock. The current value of the stock may not reflect the true value. In most cases, a stock's current value is inflated or devalued. Fundamental analysis will help you decide whether you should buy the stock. Let's have a detailed discussion on how fundamental analysis works. It will help you to decide effective investment decisions in the stock market.
What is fundamental analysis and how does it works?

In one word, fundamental analysis is a method that will help you identify a stock's true value. Investors use publicly available data for fundamental analysis. It helps investors determine the current and future prices of a particular stock. It also includes factors that can influence the stock price. The fundamental analysis also takes into account external factors such as industry trends, wars, demand, economic conditions, and upcoming deals. In a nutshell, fundamental analysis is research that incorporates several factors to determine a stock's current and future price.
While conducting a fundamental stock analysis, data such as financial statements, company management, and previous price fluctuations are considered. In order to get a profit from your investment, you need to conduct an accurate analysis. If the analysis price is lower than the current value, the stock is considered overvalued. However, if the fundamental price is higher than the current market value, the stock is considered undervalued. Investors suggest buying undervalued stocks to make money. And if you find out your stock price is overvalued, then you need to sell it. It is possible for stock investors to earn profit on their investments by using fundamental analysis.
Different Types of Fundamental analysis to determine the true value of a stock
The fundamental analysis is a vast factor when it comes to determining the true value of a stock. It includes many aspects, from the company management system to economic analysis. The experts have divided the fundamental analysis into two groups of buckets:
- Quantitative factors
- Qualitative factors
Fundamental analysis works by understanding how these two factors play an important role in determining a stock's value.
Understanding quantitative fundamental analysis
Quantitative analysis includes the financial factor of the company. While conducting quantitative analysis, investors gather information about the financial aspects of a particular company. Calculating financial ratio is complex and require in-depth knowledge and understanding. In most cases, expert inventors conduct quantitative analysis. The analyst uses the company's 10-k report and its 10-Qs (financial performance reports). The reports include:
- Net sales
- Net income
- EPS (earning per share) and other numbers
The analysis uses this useful information to determine the accurate value of a stock. Investors consider the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement in quantitative analysis.
The income statement of a company helps to understand the performance of the company over a specific period. Analysts pay attention to the EPS (which tells how much profit a company earns per share). The balance sheet is different from the income sheet. It represents the total shareholders, liabilities, and total assets of the company. The cash flow statement reflects how much the company spends on paying its expenses and debt. While investing in a stock, it is important to know how the company is earning and how much it's spending to bear expenses.
Understanding qualitative fundamental analysis
Let's try to understand fundamental qualitative analysis and how it works. Several intangible factors are taken into account while conducting qualitative analysis. The factors include economic analysis, management expertise, industry analysis, competition, the demand for the product, etc. Qualitative analysis is more complex than you think. Because the analyst Conducting fundamental qualitative analysis requires the analyst to go through aspects that are nearly impossible to quantify. The qualitative analysis includes business model, competitive advantage, corporate governance, management, etc.
A company's business model shows how the company sells its product or service. Besides, it also helps you to understand the targeted audience, how they earn a profit, etc. Competitive advantage describes whether it is possible to replicate the company's product. Suppose there is any strong competitor that can take on the market etc. It also helps to determine how unique their product is and the possibilities in the future. With a strong backbone in the company's management, it is possible to run the company.
You can determine whether the company will succeed based on an analysis of its management. You can also research the company's board members and their qualifications. Secondly, it is important to look at corporate governance (which determines how the company operates). The expert investor tries to understand the business policies and transparency before investing. All of these include the fundamental analysis of the stock.
The main goal of using fundamental analysis
There are so many reasons to use fundamental analysis before buying a stock. A proper fundamental analysis can help you to earn profit. Besides, the deep analysis also helps to detect the risk of a share. Look at the main goal of using fundamental analysis before buying stock.
Determine the future price of a stock
We all know that investing in stocks is a risky business. There is a huge chance that you will lose your capital. The fundamental analysis helps you to determine the possibility of getting success. Investors will be able to predict the future price of a stock and take wise investment decisions.
Understand fair value
A single event can affect the company's share price. Depending on previous data, it is feasible to calculate the fair price of a stock. As we mentioned earlier in the article, the stock's current price differs from its actual value. Fundamental analysis helps you identify the real price of a stock. If investors find out the current price of a stock is lower than the actual value, they can buy the stock.
Calculate the financial growth of the company
Calculating a company's financial growth is one of the most important aspects of investing in stocks. It doesn't matter what the current price of the stock is; you have to evaluate the company's financial growth. The stock market is a competitive industry. There are thousands of companies of the same type on the market. Therefore, you need to understand financial growth to gain money. And fundamental analysis gives a clear picture of the company's financial growth.
Compare different companies
Fundamental analysis of different stocks helps you to decide which one will be best for you. It's hard to compare two companies that have the same stock price. You can compare different aspects of fundamental analysis to select the right one to buy. It will be easier for you to decide if the company you are investing in will be able to beat its competitors.
Management evaluation
We all know that the company's management plays a vital role in determining whether the venture will succeed. Financial analysis is not only vital for stock investors, but it is important for the management of a company as well. With the use of financial analysis, the analytics team of a company can set future goals, discover investment opportunities, and manage the company's decisions based on the final financial analysis. Fundamental analysis also helps companies to take internal decisions.
Who can utilize the financial analysis?
Expert investors have their fundamental analytical team to calculate the true value of the stocks. This is why they are more successful than small investors. The more accurately you conduct financial analysis, the more you can be sure to get profit from your investment.
Furthermore, value investors also look for a stock that has misplaced the market. Fundamental analysis helps to determine the future scope of a stock. Investing in the underrated stock with future opportunities helps them make money.
Financial firms
Financial advisors or financial firms utilize financial analyses to determine the best output. They conduct deep analysis and advise which stock you should buy. This is why most small investors who cannot conduct fundamental analysis take help from an advisor to take the right decision before investing in a stock. Using years of collected data help them to analysis the market. In order to provide the best suggestion regarding a company's financial health, the company conducts financial analysis and calculates the data.
Fund managers
The fund managers world for funding companies. Before lending or investing money, their experts conduct in-depth fundamental analysis to ensure a profit.
Final Words
Hopefully, you now understand how fundamental analysis works. Expert investors conduct in-depth analysis before investing to determine which stocks to buy. The more you learn about fundamental analysis, the better you can determine which stocks to buy.