Stock profit calculator: Why you need it?
Helps you calculate your net profits after the commissions you incur for buying and selling from your broker when you trade on the stock market. Helping you find your return on investment using our online stock profit calculator.
Interactive inputs help you have a clearer view of your potential profit targets and potential stop loss for the stock of the company you wish to trade. Helping you manage your risk to reward ratio by knowing your return on investment using our stock profit calculator.
You can view what initial investment would suit you best by inputting the total value of the stock you wish to purchase at your preferred buying price and selling price to calculate stock profit or your loss. You can also see what your total capital at target price for your stock would be as well as your capital at your stop loss price.

You can also use the stock calculator to see which purchase price suits you best and at which selling price you would like to sell your preferred stocks.
Our online calculator can be used to calculate stock profit for Penny stocks which most online financial calculators don't provide.
Please beware, as an investor or a trader, you are risking your capital. The most important aspect of being a trader or an investor is to have a risk management plan to preserve your capital. Stock prices can be quite volatile, but this gives an opportunity to buy low at net buy price and sell even higher at your desired sell price. Investment returns depends on the investors’ appetite for risk, their trading plan whether they are planning to invest short term or long term.

Entry on your initial investment.
- Buy price
- Position size - which could be the number of shares or vice versa, the total value of the initial investment. If you go by total value, our calculator will automatically calculate the number of shares you can purchase.
- Next, can enter the buying commission that your broker would charge. Again, the calculator is flexible and allows you to either enter a percentage-based commission or flat fee-based commission.
Formula to calculate Entry Price/Buying Price
Initial Capital = (BP x PS) + (BC)
BP = Buying price
PS = Position size
BC = Buying Commission
Exit on your Target Price
This depends on your:
Target price - The amount/share price you wish to sell your stock investments.
Stop Loss - this is the price; you would sell your stock to exit out of your position if the trade does not go according to plan. This is your risk management plan to preserve your capital.
Selling Commission- A fee your broker would charge when you're selling stocks on the stock market.
Capital at Target Price/Sell Price- This is the value of the total investment at your desired sell share price after your initial investment.
Formula to calculate Exit Price/Selling price
Capital at Target = (TP x PS) - (SC)
TP = Target price
SP = Selling price
PS = Position size
SC = Selling commission
Multiple inputs
Purchase price/Stock price/Buying price
Buying commission: Percentage amount or Fixed Cost
Position size: Quantity of stocks or value of initial total investment amount you would like to purchase
Sell price/ Target price
Stop Loss/Potential
Selling commission: Percentage amount or Fixed Costs
Purchase price/Stock price – This is the price at which you have bought the stock at or is planning to buy the stock at.
Buying commission – this the commission you must pay your stockbroker when purchasing a stock. This could be Flat Fee or a percentage, depending on your broker and we offer the flexibility for you to pick either.
Position size: Quantity of stocks or value of initial investment.
Selling price/ Target price: price you are planning your stock at.
Stop Loss: this is selling price at which you would sell in a worst-case scenario. This a safety measure where if it hits this price, you will sell your stock, the minimum value you would let the stock price hit before you exit the position. So, our calculator allows you to calculate your loss in worst case scenario.
Selling commission: Yes, we know, horrific isn’t it that you must pay hefty commission when exiting as well? Our calculator lets you account for this as well, so you know your absolute return from any given position.
Our Stock Profit calculator helps you calculate your profit or loss for your stock investment.